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ThingPark X Location Engine API - Connector module

Welcome to the ThingPark X Location Engine Connector API reference documentation. The purpose of this API is to provide the best experience for all developers who intend to interface with ThingPark geolocation features.

In order to get acquainted with the API, you can use the convenient online client Swagger-UI.
To use the API from your application, you can generate client code using the API’s OpenAPI contract.

Below are descriptions and examples for all operations exposed by this API.

ConnectorConfig operations

Connector configuration operations are used to configure options for ThingPark Location modules associated with devices. Currently only the ThingPark Location Push Module can be configured to push Resolved Positions and Alarm to a target HTTP server.

Connector configurations retrieval

Retrieves the list of existing connector configurations.

HTTP Endpoint

GET /connectorConfigs


Code Type Description
200 ConnectorConfig array Connectors with their configurations retrieved successfully.
400 Bad Request - invalid request

Connector configuration creation

Creates a new connector configuration.

HTTP Endpoint

POST /connectorConfigs


Parameter In Type Required Description
ConnectorConfig body ConnectorConfig true Contents of the connector configuration to create.


Code Type Description
201 ConnectorConfig Connector configuration created successfully.
400 Bad Request - invalid request

Connector configuration retrieval

Retrieves the connector configuration corresponding to the provided ref.

HTTP Endpoint

GET /connectorConfigs/{connectorConfigRef}


Parameter In Type Required Description
connectorConfigRef path String true Ref of the connector configuration to retrieve.


Code Type Description
200 ConnectorConfig Connector configuration retrieved successfully.
400 Bad Request - invalid request
401 Unauthorized - invalid api key or user not authorized for access
404 Not found

Connector configuration update

Updates the connector configuration corresponding to the provided ref.

HTTP Endpoint

PUT /connectorConfigs/{connectorConfigRef}


Parameter In Type Required Description
connectorConfigRef path String true Ref of the connector configuration to update.
ConnectorConfig body ConnectorConfig true Contents of the connector configuration to update.


Code Type Description
200 ConnectorConfig Connector configuration updated successfully.
400 Bad Request - invalid request
401 Unauthorized - invalid api key or user not authorized for access

Connector configuration deletion

Deletes the connector configuration corresponding to the provided ref.

HTTP Endpoint

DELETE /connectorConfigs/{connectorConfigRef}


Parameter In Type Required Description
connectorConfigRef path String true Ref of the connector configuration to delete.


Code Type Description
204 Connector configuration deleted successfully.
400 Bad Request - invalid request
401 Unauthorized - invalid api key or user not authorized for access
404 Not found

KNOWN operations

A fake endPoint to illustrate resolved position examples of TPXLE push connector messages

HTTP Endpoint

POST /resolvedPositionExamples


Parameter In Type Required Description
ResolvedPosition body ResolvedPosition false Resolved position examples of TPXLE push connector messages


Code Type Description
401 Unauthorized - invalid api key or user not authorized for access

A fake endPoint to illustrate provided alarm examples of TPXLE push connector messages

HTTP Endpoint

POST /providedAlarmExamples


Parameter In Type Required Description
ProvidedAlarm body ProvidedAlarm false Provided alarm examples of TPXLE push connector messages


Code Type Description
401 Unauthorized - invalid api key or user not authorized for access



Resource representing an alert detected from devices

Attribute Type Description
alertType AlertType
deviceEUIList String List of tracker devices EUI affected by the alert. Device EUIs must be separated by commas.
ref String Ref of the alert.


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a specific alert on a specific device in relationship with a device and form of alert.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a battery threshold alert.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.
batteryLevel Integer New battery level of the tracker when the alarm has been triggered


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a battery status change.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.
batteryStatus String New battery status of the tracker when the alarm has been triggered


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a parameter change alert.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.
parameterValue String New parameter value when the alarm has been triggered


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a position alert.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the position, in meters.
newPosition double array New tracker position when the alarm has been triggered as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the position, in meters.


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a volatile alert timeout.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.


Resource representing an alarm triggered for a tracking mode change alert.

Attribute Type Description
alert Alert
alertAlarmType String Type of Alert alarm.
newMode String New tracking mode of the tracker when the alarm has been triggered


Resource representing an alert type detected from devices

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.


Resource representing a battery alert detected from devices

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.
batteryThreshold Integer Battery Threshold for receiving Battery Level Notifications. When the battery reaches below this threshold, a notification will be sent


Resource representing tracker parameter update alert detected from devices

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.
batteryStatus String Represents the battery status. Possible values are:- ‘UNKNOWN’: Not supported value.- 'CHARGING’: The battery is charging.- 'OPERATING’: In this case, the battery level indicates the battery usage. If this property is missing, any mode change will trigger a notification.


Resource representing a motion alert detected from devices. Whenever the tracker moves, a notification will be sent.

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.


Resource representing tracker parameter update alert detected from devices

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.
paramName String Name of the parameter to watch. Possible values are 'TRACKING_UL_PERIOD’ (period in seconds of position messages while in tracking state), 'LORALIVE_PERIOD’ (period in seconds of heartbeat messages in idle state), 'ENERGY_STATUS_PERIOD’ (period in seconds of energy status messages), 'PERIODIC_POSITION_PERIOD’ (period in seconds of the periodic position report), 'GEOLOC_SENSOR_PROFILE’ (policy used to decide what Geolocation Sensor is to be used for geolocation scans in tracking state), 'ONESHOT_GEOLOC_METHOD’ (what geoloc sensor to use for periodic/on-demand positions), 'EXT_ANTENNA_PROFILE’ (0 - use only PCB antenna for GPS scans, 1 - use only ceramic antenna for GPS scans, 2 – automatic selection, use ceramic antenna only when facing the sky), 'MOTION_START_END_NB_TX’ (number of position messages to send after motion events in Start/End tracking mode), 'GPS_TIMEOUT’ (time in seconds for GPS geoloc timeout), 'XGPS_TIMEOUT’ (time in seconds for XGPS geoloc timeout), 'GPS_EHPE’ (horizontal error in meters to decide if a GPS fix in GPS geoloc is acceptable), 'GPS_CONVERGENCE’ (time in seconds before deciding a GPS fix in GPS geoloc has converged for enough time)
paramValue String Value of the parameter to watch. Should always be passed as a string, regardless of the parameter unit type. If this property is missing, any value change in the parameter will trigger a notification.


Resource representing position on demand alert detected from devices. When the tracker sends a new position, a notification will be sent.

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.
coordinates double array Device coordinates, to be used 'as is’ in the platform. Expected value is an array of coordinates , i.e.[longitude, latitude].
coordinatesAccuracy Double Accuracy in meters of the position provided in “coordinates” property


Resource representing a SOS alert detected from devices. When the tracker switches to SOS, a notification will be sent.

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.


Resource representing a tracking mode update alert detected from devices. When the tracking mode changes, a notification will be sent

Attribute Type Description
alertTypeName String Type of Alert provided.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about alerts on the GUI. Default is false.
newMode String New mode applied to the trackers. Possible values are 'OFF’ (everything is turned OFF to achieve the lowest possible power consumption), 'STANDBY’ (the trackeris in idle state. It can use periodic reporting if it is activated, and answers to On-Demand position request), 'MOTION’ (tracking state only when moving), 'PERMANENT’ (always in tracking state), 'START_END’ (motion start and end events), 'ACTIVITY’ (the tracker focuses on detecting movements. Every motion detection increases a counter). If this property is missing, any mode change will trigger a notification.


Attribute Type Description
flags AngleDetectionFlags
age Integer Age of the measure in second.
referenceVector integer array Represents the reference acceleration of the tracker. It is provided only in 'ANGLE_DETECTION’ event message, i.e. [x-axis, y-axis, z-axis].
criticalVector integer array Represents the critical acceleration of the tracker. It is provided only in 'ANGLE_DETECTION’ event message, i.e. [x-axis, y-axis, z-axis].
angle Integer Angle in degree between the reference vector and the last measurement.


Flags providing status and report reason.

Attribute Type Description
transition String
triggerType String
notificationIdentifier Integer Notification identifier. Any new transition normal reset this counter.


Resource representing the tracker command alarm to change a profile that has more than 5 parameters

Attribute Type Description
trackerCommand TrackerCommand
batchDownlinkInformation downlinkInformation array
timeout Date Timeout set for this tracker command
commandTime Date Time when this tracker command was received
state String Tracker command result state:
- 'BATCH_PROFILE_SUCCESS’: The tracker has received the complete list of downlink to change the profile.
- 'BATCH_PROFILE_FAILURE’: The tracker may not have received all downlinks.
- 'TIMEOUT’: Time out in waiting for downlink acknowledgement.
- 'DELIVERY_ERROR’: error in sending the downlink payload to the underlying operator.


Attribute Type Description
rssi Integer Received signal strength indication for this beaconId
beaconId String Beacon Id


Resource representing a BLE beacon scan information with beaconId coded on 4 bytes and RSSI

Attribute Type Description
scanInformationType String Type of scan information.:
- 'BeaconIdInformation’: BLE Beacon Id
- 'BeaconMACInformation’: BLE Mac address.
- 'WifiBSSIDInformation’: WIFI BSSID.
rssi Integer
beaconId String


Resource representing a BLE beacon scan information with MAC address and RSSI

Attribute Type Description
scanInformationType String Type of scan information.:
- 'BeaconIdInformation’: BLE Beacon Id
- 'BeaconMACInformation’: BLE Mac address.
- 'WifiBSSIDInformation’: WIFI BSSID.
rssi Integer
macAddress String


Attribute Type Description
framePendingMechanism Boolean false: Frame pending mechanism is disabled.
true: Frame pending mechanism is enabled. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
buttonPressToTurnDeviceOff Boolean false: Cannot turn OFF device with a button press.
true: Can turn OFF device with a button press. Factory default value. (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
doubleClickIsSosModeOrAlert Boolean false: Double button click triggers an Alert.
true: Double button click starts SOS mode, another double click stops it. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
downlinkSetParameterConfirmation Boolean false: Confirmation uplink mechanism is disabled.
true: Confirmation uplink mechanism is enabled. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
wifiPayloadWithNoCypher Boolean false: Wifi payload is cyphered.
true: Wifi payload is not cyphered. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
bleAdvertisingAtStart Boolean false: BLE advertising is disabled. Factory default value.
true: BLE advertising is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
selectWifiScanOrGeolocStartMessage Boolean false: Enable geoloc start event message when starting a geoloc sequence.
true: Enable Wifi scan when starting a geoloc sequence. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.3)
ledBlinkWithGpsFix Boolean false: No blink when a GPS fix is received. Factory default value.
true: LED Blink when a GPS fix is received.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.3)
startMotionEventUplink Boolean false: Start Motion event payload is disabled. Factory default value. true: Start Motion event payload is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
endMotionEventUplink Boolean false: End Motion event payload is disabled. Factory default value.
true: End Motion event payload is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
otaJoinWhenLeavingModeOff Boolean false: Disable OTA join when leaving mode OFF. Factory default value.
true: Enable OTA join when leaving mode OFF.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
rejectAsymmetricBlePairing Boolean false: Accept asymmetric BLE pairing. Factory default value.
true: Reject asymmetric BLE pairing.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
enableLongWifiPayload Boolean false: Long wifi payload is disabled. Factory default value.
-true: Long wifi payload is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
collectionLongReport Boolean false: The usual payload size is used (36 bytes).
true: The number of entries carried in the uplink is larger and use a payload size of 91 bytes.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)
autoStart Boolean false: Once LoRa join succeeds, the user needs to make another long press to actually start in the configured operating mode.
true: Once LoRa join succeeds, the device automatically starts without requiring a long press.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)


Resource representing a tracker configuration parameter.

Attribute Type Description
paramName paramName
paramValue String Value of the parameter to update. Should always be passed as a string, regardless of the parameter unit type.


Resource representing a configuration of the ThingPark Connector module.

Attribute Type Description
ref String Ref of the module configuration. Generated by the system upon creation.
deviceEUIList String List of devices EUI managed by the module. Device EUIs must be separated by commas. If the field is *, the data of any tracker of the customer/subscriber will be sent to the configured URL
applicationServerURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the resolved positions should be sent.
authorizationHeader String Content of the Authorization Header in the HTTP request.
includeProcessedFeed Boolean Indicates if the processed feed solver output should be included in the pushed data.
includeRawPosition Boolean Indicates if the raw position solver output should be included in the pushed data.
includeResolvedTracker Boolean Indicates if the resolved tracker solver output should be included in the pushed data.
includeUplinkPayload Boolean Indicates if the result of driver should be included in the pushed data.
includeResolvedTrackerParameters Boolean Indicates if the resolved tracker parameters should be included in the pushed data.
includeAlarms Boolean Indicates if the alarms of the device should be included in the pushed data.


Attribute Type Description
bssid String Wifi access point BSSID (MAC address)
rssi Integer Received signal strength indication for this Wifi BSSID


Resource representing the payload and the ackToken of each downlink used in trackerCommand changeProfile

Attribute Type Description
ackToken Integer Acknowledgement token used to send this tracker command
payload String Downlink payload sent in hexadecimal string


A bitmap representing each DR to select for the transmission. You Can configure DR from DR0 to DR7. If no DR is selected, default DR will be minimum available DR for the current band. (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0).

Attribute Type Description
dr0 Boolean -false: dr0 is disabled.
-true: dr0 is enabled.
dr1 Boolean -false: dr1 is disabled.
-true: dr1 is enabled.
dr2 Boolean -false: dr2 is disabled.
-true: dr2 is enabled.
dr3 Boolean -false: dr3 is disabled.
-true: dr3 is enabled.
dr4 Boolean -false: dr4 is disabled.
-true: dr4 is enabled.
dr5 Boolean -false: dr5 is disabled.
-true: dr5 is enabled.
dr6 Boolean -false: dr6 is disabled.
-true: dr6 is enabled.
dr7 Boolean -false: dr7 is disabled.
-true: dr7 is enabled.


Attribute Type Description
code String A code identifying the error
message String Provides a message describing the error


Resource representing a geofence, i.e. a region which is monitored in relationship with devices and transitions.

Attribute Type Description
circleRegion RegionAsCircle
deviceEUIList String List of tracker devices EUI in the geofence. Device EUIs must be separated by commas.
icon String url of an image describing the geofence icon.
name String name of the geofence.
polygonRegion RegionAsPolygon
ref String Ref of the geofence.
regionShape String Shape of the geofence’s monitored region. Possible values are 'CIRCLE’ and 'POLYGON’. Depending on this value, either 'circleRegion’ or 'polygonRegion’ attribute should be set.
transition GeofenceTransition


Resource representing a geofence’s alarm in a region which is monitored in relationship with a device and transition.

Attribute Type Description
geofence Geofence
transition String Type of the transition. Possible values are 'ENTERING’ and 'LEAVING’. Support of specific transition may vary depending on region types.


Resource representing a transition related to a geofence.

Attribute Type Description
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about geofence alarms by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about geofence alarms on the GUI. Default is false.
type String Type of the transition. Possible values are 'ENTERING’ and 'LEAVING’. Support of specific transitions may vary depending on region types.


Attribute Type Description
geofencingFormat Integer Geofencing identifier format
geofencingType String Geofencing notification type. Possible values are:
- 'SAFE_AREA’: The device moved from hazardous to a safe area.
- 'ENTRY’: The device moved from a non-monitored area to a monitored area.
- 'EXIT’: The device moved from a monitored to a non monitored area.
- 'HAZARD’: The device moved to a hazardous area.
id Integer Identifier, its size depends on the geofencing format.


Resource representing an hangout detected from devices

Attribute Type Description
circleRegion RegionAsCircle
deviceEUIList String List of devices EUI in the hangout. Device EUIs must be separated by commas.
hangoutMode HangoutMode
icon String url of an image describing the hangout icon.
polygonRegion RegionAsPolygon
ref String Ref of the hangout.
regionShape String Shape of the hangout’s monitored region. Possible values are 'CIRCLE’,'POLYGON’ and 'UNKNOWN’. Depending on this value, either 'circleRegion’ or 'polygonRegion’ 'unknownRegion’ attribute should be set.
unknownRegion RegionAsUnknown


Resource representing the hangout alarm

Attribute Type Description
dwellTime Integer Time spent by the device in the hangout region, in seconds.
hangout Hangout


Resource representing hangout modes for devices

Attribute Type Description
dwellTime Integer Time spent by the device in the hangout region, in seconds.
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify users about the hangout by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about the hangout on the GUI. Default is false.


Attribute Type Description
rssi Integer Received signal strength indication for this mac address
mac String Mac address


Attribute Type Description
producerId String
moduleId String
version String


Possible names of parameter are:

- 'TRACKING_UL_PERIOD’: Period in seconds of position messages while in tracking state (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'ul_period’ in configuration file).

- 'LORALIVE_PERIOD’: Period in seconds of heartbeat messages in idle state (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'lora_period’ in configuration file).

- 'ENERGY_STATUS_PERIOD’: Period in seconds of energy status messages (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'pw_stat_period’ in configuration file).

-'PERIODIC_POSITION_INTERVAL’: Period in seconds of the periodic position report (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'periodic_pos_period’ in configuration file).


-'GPS_SCAN_MODE’: Reserved.

-'GPS_SCAN_PROFILE’: deprecated. See 'GPS_SCAN_MODE’.

-'GEOLOC_SENSOR_PROFILE’: (Called 'geoloc_sensor’ in configuration file) The geolocation technology to be used for geolocation scans in operating mode. The possible technolgy values are:
0: WIFI_ONLY: Only the WIFI technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
1: GPS_ONLY: Only the GPS technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
2: XGPS_ONLY : Only the Low Power GPS and GPS technologies are used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
3: WIFI_FALLBACK_XGPS: Swap on failure, alternate WIFI and xGPS (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
4: SELF_GOVERNING_HISTORY: Self governing with history (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
5: SELF_GOVERNING_TIMEOUT: Self governing with timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
6: WGPS_ONLY: The WIFI technology is used fisrt. If the result is not considered OK, swap to GPS technology (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
7: WXGPS_ONLY: The WIFI technology is used fisrt. If the result is not considered OK, swap to XGPS technology (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
8: WGPS_WXGPS_FAILURE: WGPS/WXGPS, change on failure (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
9: WGPS_WXGPS_TIMEOUT: WGPS/WXGPS, change on timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
10: BLE: BLE beacon scan only (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
11: BGPS_ONLY (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0).

- 'ONESHOT_GEOLOC_METHOD’: (Called 'geoloc_method’ in configuration file) The geolocation technology to used for geolocation scans only for the periodic and on-demand positions. The possible technolgy values are:
0: WIFI (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
1: GPS (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
2: XGPS (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
3: WGPS (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
4: WXGPS (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
5: BLE (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
6: BGPS (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)

- 'EXT_ANTENNA_PROFILE’: (Called 'antenna’ in configuration file)
* From Asset Tracker 1.7.0 to Asset Tracker 1.9.0:
This parameter is used only for an industrial tracker. The possible values are: .
0: use only PCB antenna for GPS scans.
1: use only ceramic antenna for GPS scans.
2: automatic selection, use ceramic antenna only when facing the sky.
* From Asset Tracker 2.0: Only the value 0 is supported.

- 'MOTION_START_END_NB_TX’: Number of position messages to send after motion events in Start/End tracking mode (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'motion_nb_pos’ in configuration file).

- 'GPS_TIMEOUT’: Time in seconds for GPS geoloc timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_timeout’ in configuration file).

- 'XGPS_TIMEOUT’: time in seconds for XGPS geoloc timeout(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'agps_timeout’ in configuration file).

- 'GPS_EHPE’: Horizontal error in meters to decide if a GPS fix in GPS geoloc is acceptable (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_ehpe’ in configuration file).

- 'GPS_CONVERGENCE’: Time in seconds before deciding a GPS fix in GPS geoloc has converged for enough time (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_convergence’ in configuration file).

-'TRANSMIT_STRAT’: Different transmission strategies, applied when the device is in motion (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'transmit_strat’ in configuration file):
0: Single fixed: always transmit using the predefined datarate (from provisioning).
1: Single Random Datarate: single transmission, applied to (SF7-12) using Central Limit Theorem.
2: Double Random Datarate: double transmission of the same frame using a fast (SF7-8) then a slow datarate (SF9-12), using Central Limit Theorem.
3: Double Fixed: first transmission at SF7 or SF8, then at predefined datarate (from provisioning).
4: Network ADR: Adaptive DataRate, selected by the network. In static, Network ADR is applied.
5: Custom strategy: Activate the strategy defined with transmitStratCustom parameter.

- 'BLE_BEACON_COUNT’: This parameter is used only for a micro tracker. It represents the maximum number of BLE beacons to be reported in the position message (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'ble_beacon_cnt’ in configuration file).

- 'BLE_BEACON_TIMEOUT’: This parameter is used only for a micro tracker. Time in seconds for BLE Beacon geoloc timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'ble_beacon_timeout’ in configuration file).

- 'GPS_STANDBY_TIMEOUT’: Time in seconds for the GPS to stay in standby mode after being turned ON. At the timeout, the GPS is turned OFF.When 0, the GPS always stays in standby mode (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_standby_timeout’ in configuration file).

- 'CONFIRMED_UL_BITMAP’: Confirmed uplink bitmap for specific Messages type.
For example, to configure confirmed uplinks for message type 0x00 and 0x03:20 + 23 = 9. You need to set 9 (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'confirmed_ul_bitmap’ in configuration file).

-'CONFIRMED_UL_RETRY’: The number of retries for each confirmed uplink, when confirmation is not received (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'confirmed_ul_retry’ in configuration file).

-'MOTION_SENSITIVITY’: Set a specific accelerometer configuration. 0 is default configuration. 1-100 configures the accelerometer in low sensitivity from 1 to 100%. 101-200 configures the accelerometer in high sensitivity from 1 to 100% (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'motion_sensitivity’ in configuration file).

- 'SHOCK_DETECTION’: This parameter provides the configuration of the sensitivity of the shock detection from 1 to 100%. A value of 0 disables the shock detection.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'shock_detection’ in configuration file).

- 'PERIODIC_ACTIVITY_PERIOD’: Time in seconds to report periodic activity. As the activity is reported on 6 windows, this value has to be a multiple of 6. When 0, the reporting is disabled (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'periodic_activity_period’ in configuration file).

- 'MOTION_DURATION’: Time in seconds for motion duration, minimum time between a start and an end motion event (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'motion_duration’ in configuration file).

- 'BLE_RSSI_FILTER’: RSSI value to filter BLE beacons with BLE-GPS geolocation mode (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'ble_rssi_filter’ in configuration file).

- 'TEMPERATURE_HIGH’ :Configure the high threshold temperature.
255 = disabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_high’ in configuration file)

- 'TEMPERATURE_LOW’: Configure the low threshold temperature.
255 = disabled
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_low’ in configuration file)

- 'TEMPERATURE_ACTION’: Configure the action to be done when entering critical state: (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_action’ in configuration file):
-0: No action.
-1: Geolocation disabled if temperature_high is reached.
-2: Geolocation disabled if temperature_low is reached.
-3: Geolocation disabled if temperature_low or temperature_high is reached.

- 'MODE’: Tracking mode of the trackers (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'mode’ in configuration file). The possible mode values are:
0: STAND_BY: The tracker is in idle state. It can use periodic reporting if it is activated, and answers to On-Demand position requests.
1: 'MOTION_TRACKING’: Tracking state only when moving.
2: 'PERMANENT_TRACKING’: Always in tracking state.
3: 'MOTION_START_END_TRACKING’: Motion start and end events.
4: 'ACTIVITY_TRACKING’: The tracker focuses on detecting movements. Every motion detection increases a counter.
5: 'OFF’: Everything is turned OFF.

- 'BLE_BOND’: Delete the ble bond (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_high’ in configuration file).

- 'BATTERY_CAPACITY’: The battery capacity in mAh (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'REED_SWITCH_CONFIGURATION’: The switch reed configuration (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0, called 'reed_switch_configuration'in configuration file):
-0: disable.
-1: normal switch reed behaviour.
-2: button
-3: other.

- 'COLLECTION_SCAN_TYPE’: The collection scan type provides the type of the collection to be done.(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0):
- 0: No collection scan.
-1: BLE beacons.

- 'COLLECTION_BLE_FILTER_TYPE’: BLE filter type used for BLE collection only (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0):
-0: No filter.
:-1: Eddystone UID.
:-2: Eddystone URL.
:-3: All Eddystone.
:-4: iBeacon only.
:-5: Altbeacon only.

- 'COLLECTION_BLE_FILTER_MAIN_1’: BLE main filter part 1 used for BLE collection only (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'COLLECTION_BLE_FILTER_MAIN_2’: BLE main filter part 2 used for BLE collection only (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'COLLECTION_BLE_FILTER_SEC_VALUE’: Value used for the BLE secondary filter (BLE collection only) (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'COLLECTION_BLE_FILTER_SEC_MASK’: Mask used for the BLE secondary filter (BLE collection only) (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'COLLECTION_NB_ENTRY’: Provide the number of entries in the collection (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'NETWORK_TIMEOUT_CHECK’: LoRa network monitoring. A timer using this duration is restarted after each last downlink received. Once elapsed, the tracker includes a link check request in all of this uplink. Once the answer is received, the timer restarts. A null value disables this monitoring. Duration expressed in seconds.(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).

- 'NETWORK_TIMEOUT_RESET’: LoRa network monitoring. A timer using this duration is restarted after each last downlink received. Once elapsed, the tracker resets. Duration expressed in seconds.(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
- 'GNSS_CONSTELLATION’ : Select the GNSS constellation set to be used for making fixes. Possible values are :
-6: GPS_BEIDOU (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)

Attribute Type Description


Resource representing information gathered from the different initial feed resources, processed by the solvers and eventually completed through the resolution.

Attribute Type Description
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
payloadEncoded String Binary device payload encoded as an hexadecimal string.
sequenceNumber Long Sequence number of the device uplink.
receptionTime Date Time associated with the reception of the device uplink, in ISO 8601 format.
SF Integer Spreading factor value of the device.
dynamicMotionState String Motion state provided by the device. Possible values are 'MOVING’, 'STATIC’ and 'UNKNOWN’.
temperatureMeasure Float Temperature measured by the device in celsius degrees.
processedPacket ProcessedFeedPacket
packets ProcessedFeedPacket array List of packets received by base stations and related to the device uplink.
lastContext String This optional attribute contains the Base64 encoded binary solver state returned with the last calculated position. This attribute may be required if the target solver is configured in stateless mode and this is not the first request for a given deviceEUI.
port Integer LoRa port used by the device.


Resource representing a generic packet received by a base station.

Attribute Type Description
baseStationId String Id of the base station (aka LRR or gateway) which received the uplink.
antennaCoordinates double array Coordinates of the base station antenna. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
SNR Float Signal to Noise ratio in dB.
RSSI Float RSSI in dBm.


Configuration profile of the tracker (up to 5 tracker parameters). A profile change can take up to 5 minutes to be taken into account.

Attribute Type Description
namespace String Profile namespace. It can be a profile for ADA or for Mobile APP, or 'Subscriber’ for specific subscriber profile namespace
name String Name identifying the profile (English language, should be unique in the namespace).
description String Profile description. (English language)
translations ProfileTranslation array Profile name and description translations (if any).
parameters Resource representing tracker configuration parameter.


Resource representing the profile modification alarm

Attribute Type Description
newProfile Profile


Resource representing a profile translation.

Attribute Type Description
language String Translation language. Must be a ISO-639 code.
name String Profile name translation in the corresponding language.
description String Profile description translation in the corresponding language.


Resource representing an alarm detected from a device

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Unique tracker device EUI affected by the alert.
alertAlarm AlertAlarm
geofenceAlarm GeofenceAlarm
hangoutAlarm HangoutAlarm
trackerCommandAlarm TrackerCommandAlarm
scanCollectionAlarm ScanCollectionAlarm
profileAlarm ProfileAlarm
batchProfileTrackerCommandAlarm BatchProfileTrackerCommandAlarm
time Date time when the alert is triggered.
typeAlarm String Type of the ProvidedAlarm’s monitored alarm. Possible values are ‘GEOFENCE’,‘HANGOUT’, ‘ALERT’, ‘TRACKER_COMMAND’ or ‘SCAN_COLLECTION’. Depending on this value, either ‘geofenceAlarm’, ‘hangoutAlarm’, ‘alertAlarm’, ‘trackerCommandAlarm’ or ‘scanCollectionAlarm’ attribute should be set.


Resource extending RawPositionByGenericSolver with additional information provided by the AGPS solver.

Attribute Type Description
rawPositionType String Type of raw position eventually extending the RawPositionByGenericSolver resource to allow more specific attributes to be provided.
coordinates double array Raw coordinates before filtering. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the raw position, in seconds.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
horizontalDilution Float Horizontal computed geometric dilution of precision.
verticalDilution Float Vertical computed geometric dilution of precision.
northVelocity Float North component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
eastVelocity Float East component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
errorInfo ErrorInfo
satelliteCount Integer Number of satellites involved in the resolution.


Resource extending RawPositionByGenericSolver with additional information provided by the Bluetooth LE solver (currently no position is computed, only detected BSSID list is provided).

Attribute Type Description
rawPositionType String Type of raw position eventually extending the RawPositionByGenericSolver resource to allow more specific attributes to be provided.
coordinates double array Raw coordinates before filtering. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the raw position, in seconds.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
horizontalDilution Float Horizontal computed geometric dilution of precision.
verticalDilution Float Vertical computed geometric dilution of precision.
northVelocity Float North component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
eastVelocity Float East component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
errorInfo ErrorInfo
bssidCount Integer Number of Bluetooth Low Energy BSSIDs used for the resolution.
bleBssids DetectedBssid array List of detected Bluetooth Low Energy BSSID
beaconIdData BeaconIdData array List of beacon identifier.
beaconFormat String The provided beacon format can be:
- BEACON_ID : The beacon is presented by the beacon identifier.
- MAC_ADDRESS: The beacon is presented by the MAC address.
floorUnderscorenumber Integer Indicates the floor number of the position. It depends to the beacon having the highest value of RSSI.
roomUnderscorename String Indicates the room name of the position. It depends to the beacon having the highest value of RSSI.
additionalUnderscoredata Indicates the additional information related to the position.


Resource representing generic raw non-filtered position information provided by a solver. To be eventually inherited to define more specific raw position resources. The 'rawPositionType’ discriminator attribute indicates which type of resource is defined.

Attribute Type Description
rawPositionType String Type of raw position eventually extending the RawPositionByGenericSolver resource to allow more specific attributes to be provided.
coordinates double array Raw coordinates before filtering. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the raw position, in seconds.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
horizontalDilution Float Horizontal computed geometric dilution of precision.
verticalDilution Float Vertical computed geometric dilution of precision.
northVelocity Float North component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
eastVelocity Float East component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
errorInfo ErrorInfo


Resource extending RawPositionByGenericSolver with additional information provided by the GPS solver.

Attribute Type Description
rawPositionType String Type of raw position eventually extending the RawPositionByGenericSolver resource to allow more specific attributes to be provided.
coordinates double array Raw coordinates before filtering. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the raw position, in seconds.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
horizontalDilution Float Horizontal computed geometric dilution of precision.
verticalDilution Float Vertical computed geometric dilution of precision.
northVelocity Float North component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
eastVelocity Float East component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
errorInfo ErrorInfo


Resource extending RawPositionByGenericSolver with additional information provided by the GPS solver.

Attribute Type Description
rawPositionType String Type of raw position eventually extending the RawPositionByGenericSolver resource to allow more specific attributes to be provided.
coordinates double array Raw coordinates before filtering. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the raw position, in seconds.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
horizontalDilution Float Horizontal computed geometric dilution of precision.
verticalDilution Float Vertical computed geometric dilution of precision.
northVelocity Float North component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
eastVelocity Float East component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
errorInfo ErrorInfo


Resource extending RawPositionByGenericSolver with additional information provided by the WiFi solver.

Attribute Type Description
rawPositionType String Type of raw position eventually extending the RawPositionByGenericSolver resource to allow more specific attributes to be provided.
coordinates double array Raw coordinates before filtering. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the raw position, in seconds.
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the raw position, in meters.
horizontalDilution Float Horizontal computed geometric dilution of precision.
verticalDilution Float Vertical computed geometric dilution of precision.
northVelocity Float North component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
eastVelocity Float East component of estimated device velocity, in meters/second.
errorInfo ErrorInfo
bssidCount Integer Number of WiFi BSSIDs used for the resolution.
wifiBssids DetectedBssid array List of detected Wifi BSSID


Resource representing a circle-shaped region.

Attribute Type Description
centerCoordinates double array Coordinates of the center of a circle. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude].
radius Integer Radius of the circle, in meters.


Resource representing a polygon region.

Attribute Type Description
polygonCoordinates array array Coordinates of multiple points forming a polygon. Expected value is an 2-level array of coordinate arrays as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [ [ [longitude, latitude], [longitude, latitude], [longitude, latitude] ] ].


Resource representing an unknown region.

Attribute Type Description
radius Integer Radius of the region, in meters.


Resource representing a resolved device position with related feed inputs and solver outputs.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Unique device identifier.
time Date Time associated with the device position, in ISO 8601 format.
customerId String Id of the subscriber or provider-specific customer owning the device in the target ThingPark environment.
modelCfg String Internal property used for routing purposes.
dxProfileId String Unique DX profile identifier, i.e. target ThingPark environment accessible through the DX API platform.
coordinates double array Device position coordinates. Expected value is an array of coordinates as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].
age Integer Age of the current position before reception time, in seconds.
validityState String State indicating the validity of the position. Possible values are 'NEW’ (new valid position), 'PREVIOUS’ (previous position is reported because device did not send its position) or 'INVALID’ (reported position is not valid and should not be considered).
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the position, in meters.
verticalAccuracy Integer Vertical accuracy of the position, in meters.
incomingSubscriberId String External Suscriber ID transparently handled by ThingPark Location.
trackerType String The hardware type of the tracker.
processedFeed ProcessedFeed
rawPosition RawPositionByGenericSolver
resolvedTracker ResolvedTrackerAsAssetTracker
uplinkPayload Uplink payload as decoded by Abeeway IoT flow driver. See DX Location driver module for more information
resolvedTrackerParameters Resouce representing the tracker’s parameters maintained in the solver
reverseGeocoding ReverseGeocoding
messageSource String Indicates the type of message source. Possible are values:
-'LORA’: The message is a LORA uplink.
-'MOBILE_APP’: The message is a mobile application uplink.
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown message source.


Resource representing tracker information obtained through the resolution process. Currently it only supports Abeeway’s Asset Tracker

Attribute Type Description
firmwareVersion String MCU firmware version of the tracker.
bleFirmwareVersion String BLE firmware version of the tracker.
messageType String Type of the message sent by the tracker. Possible values are:
-“UNKNOWN”: Unknown value.
-“UNSUPPORTED”: Not supported value.
- “POSITION_MESSAGE”: GPS, low power GPS, WIFI or BLE position data.
- “ENERGY_STATUS”: Used by the server to estimate the battery level. Contains information related to the power consumption.
- “HEARTBEAT”: Notify the server that tracker is operational and is under LoRa coverage.
- “ACTIVITY_STATUS”: The possible messages are:
* The tracker sends an activity reports by counting the amount of motions with the accelerometer.
* The tracker can report periodically its activity (motion detection).
- “CONFIGURATION”: This message reports the parameter values configured in the trackers.
- “SHOCK_DETECTION”: The shock detection message contains the number of shocks above threshold, and the biggest shock detected during this period.
- “SHUTDOWN”: Sent when the tracker is set off.
- “EVENT”: Notifications sent by the tracker informing the server about specific events.
- “FRAME_PENDING”: When additional messages are available on a gateway, this uplink message is sent to trigger the gateway sending.
- “DEBUG”: a debug message.
- “DATA_SCAN_COLLECTION”: message to report a collection of WIFI BSSID or BLE beacons. (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)
- 'EXTENDED_POSITION_MESSAGE’: GPS, low power GPS, WIFI or BLE position data with more precision. (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.2.1)
eventType String The possible values for an event message are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'GEOLOC_START’: The event message is sent when the tracker begins a geolocation sequence.
- 'MOTION_START’: The event message is sent when the tracker begins a motion.
- 'MOTION_END’: The event message is sent when the end of a motion is detected.
- 'BLE_CONNECTED’: The event message is sent when a tracker is bonded and BLE connected to a another BLE device.
- 'BLE_DISCONNECTED’: The event message is sent when a tracker is bonded and BLE disconnected to a another BLE device.
- 'TEMPERATURE_ALERT’: The event message is sent if the measured temperature is below or above a configured threshold.(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0).
- 'BLE_BOND_DELETED’: The event message is sent when the bond is deleted on the tracker.(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
shutdownCause String Possible values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'USER_ACTION’: Long press button.
- 'LOW_BATTERY’: If the battery is low.
- 'DOWNLINK_REQUEST’: Downlink request to shutdown the tracker.
- 'BLE_REQUEST’: BLE request to shutdown the tracker.
trackingMode String Tracking mode applied by the tracker. Possible values are:
- 'OFF’: Everything is turned OFF to achieve the lowest possible power consumption.
- 'STAND_BY’: The tracker is in idle state. It can use periodic reporting if it is activated, and answers to On-Demand position requests.
- 'MOTION_TRACKING’: Tracking state only when moving.
- 'PERMANENT_TRACKING’: Always in tracking state.
- 'MOTION_START_END_TRACKING’: Motion start and end events.
- 'ACTIVITY_TRACKING’: The tracker focuses on detecting movements. Every motion detection increases a counter.
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
dynamicMotionState String Motion state provided by the device. Possible values are 'MOVING’, 'STATIC’ and 'UNKNOWN’.
temperatureMeasure Float Temperature measured by the device in celsius degrees.
gpsScanMode String GPS scan mode (for power efficiency) applied by the tracker. Not implemented yet.
sensorMode String Sensor mode applied by the tracker. This field is deprecated. Instead refer to geolocSensorProfile and oneshotGeolocMethod.
periodicPositionInterval Integer TimePeriod in seconds of the periodic position report (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'periodic_pos_period’ in configuration file). A value of 0 means reporting is disabled, a value of -1 means the setting is unknown.
batteryLevel Integer Percentage of available battery of the tracker.
batteryStatus String Represents the battery status. Possible values are:
- 'UNKNOWN’: Not supported value.
- 'CHARGING’: The battery is charging.
- 'OPERATING’: In this case, the battery level indicates the battery usage.
sosFlag Boolean SOS Flag of the tracker
activityReportingWindow integer array Periodic activity reporting contains the data of activity during 6 windows of the configured period ('periodicActivityPeriod’), one window being 1/6th of Periodic Activity Period.
activityCount Integer Activity counter, in case of trackingMode it is 'ACTIVITY_TRACKING’.
nbOfShocks Integer Number of shocks having an accelerometer value above the configured threshold(“shockDetection”).
accelerometerShockData integer array Values measured on X, Y, and Z axes of the accelerometer, corresponding to the biggest shock detected during this period, i.e. [x-axis, y-axis, z-axis].
trackerOrientation integer array Represents the orientation of the tracker. It is provided only in 'MOTION_END’ event message, i.e. [x-axis, y-axis, z-axis].
trackingUlPeriod Integer TimePeriod in seconds for position messages while in tracking state (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called “ul_period” in configuration file).
loralivePeriod Integer TimePeriod in seconds for heartbeat messages in idle state (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called “lora_period” in configuration file).
energyStatusPeriod Integer Period in seconds of energy status messages (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called “pw_stat_period” in configuration file).
geolocSensorProfile String (Called 'geoloc_sensor’ in configuration file) The geolocation technology to be used for geolocation scans in operating mode. The possible technolgy values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'WIFI_ONLY’: Only the WIFI technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'GPS_ONLY’: Only the GPS technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'XGPS_ONLY’: Only the Low Power GPS and GPS technologies are used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'WIFI_FALLBACK_XGPS’: Swap on failure, alternate WIFI and xGPS (do not use).
- 'SELF_GOVERNING_HISTORY’: Self governing with history (do not use).
- 'SELF_GOVERNING_TIMEOUT’: Self governing with timeout (superseded by technology WGPS_WXGPS_TIMEOUT).
- 'WGPS_ONLY’: The WIFI technology is used first. If the result is not OK, swap to GPS technology in one geolocation cycle (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'WXGPS_ONLY’: The WIFI technology is used fisrt. If the result is not considered OK, swap to XGPS technology in one geolocation cycle (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'WGPS_WXGPS_FAILURE’: 'WGPS/WXGPS’, change on failure (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'WGPS_WXGPS_TIMEOUT’: 'WGPS/WXGPS’, change on timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'BLE’: BLE beacon scan only (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'BGPS_ONLY’: The BLE technology is used first. If the result is not OK, swap to low power GPS technology in one geolocation cycle. (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0).
oneshotGeolocMethod String (Called 'geoloc_method’ in configuration file) The geolocation technology to used for geolocation scans only for the periodic and on-demand positions. The possible technolgy values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'WIFI’: Only the WIFI technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'GPS’: Only the GPS technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'XGPS’: Only the low power GPS technology is used (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'WGPS’: The WIFI technology is used first. If the result is not OK, swap to GPS technology (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'WXGPS’: The WIFI technology is used first. If the result is not OK, swap to low power GPS technology (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'BLE’: BLE beacon scan only (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
- 'BGPS’: The BLE technology is used first. If the result is not OK, swap to low power GPS technology in one geolocation cycle. (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0).
extAntennaProfile String The GPS antenna to be used when starting the GPS.( called 'antenna’ in configuration file).
* From Asset Tracker 1.7.0 to Asset Tracker 1.9.0:
Possible values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'PRINTED’: use only PRINTED antenna for GPS scans.
- 'CERAMIC’: use only ceramic antenna for GPS scans.
- 'DYNAMIC’: automatic selection, use ceramic antenna only when facing the sky.
* From Asset Tracker 2.0: Only the value CERAMIC is supported.
motionStartEndNbTx Integer Number of position messages to send after motion events in Start/End tracking mode (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'motion_nb_pos’ in configuration file).
gpsTimeout Integer Time in seconds for GPS geoloc timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_timeout’ in configuration file).
xgpsTimeout Integer Time in seconds for XGPS geoloc timeout(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'agps_timeout’ in configuration file).
gpsEHPE Integer Horizontal error in meters to decide if a GPS fix in GPS geoloc is acceptable (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_ehpe’ in configuration file).
gpsConvergence Integer Time in seconds to decide a GPS fix if GPS geoloc has converged for enough time (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_convergence’ in configuration file).
configFlags ConfigFlags
transmitStrat String Different transmission strategies, applied when the device is in motion (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'transmit_strat’ in configuration file):
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'SINGLE_FIXED’: always transmit using the predefined datarate (from provisioning).
- 'SINGLE_RANDOM_DATARATE’: single transmission, applied to (SF7-12) using Central Limit Theorem.
- 'DOUBLE_RANDOM_DATARATE’: double transmission of the same frame using a fast (SF7-8) then a slow datarate (SF9-12), using Central Limit Theorem.
- 'DOUBLE_FIXED’: first transmission at SF7 or SF8, then at predefined datarate (from provisioning).
- 'NETWORK_ADR’: Adaptive DataRate, selected by the network. In static, Network ADR is applied.
- 'CUSTOM_STRATEGY’: Activate the strategy defined with transmitStratCustom parameter.(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
bleBeaconCount Integer This parameter is used only for a micro tracker. It represents the maximum number of BLE beacons to report, Range 1..4.
bleBeaconTimeout Integer This parameter is used only for a micro tracker. Time in seconds for BLE Beacon geoloc timeout (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'ble_beacon_timeout’ in configuration file)
gpsStandbyTimeout Integer Time in seconds for the GPS to stay in standby mode after being turned ON. At the timeout, the GPS is turned OFF.When 0, the GPS always stays in standby mode (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'gps_standby_timeout’ in configuration file).
confirmedUlBitmap Integer Confirmed uplink bitmap for specific Messages type. For example, to configure confirmed uplinks for message type 0x00 and 0x03: 2^0 + 2^3 = 9. You need to set 9 (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'confirmed_ul_bitmap’ in configuration file). For more details, please refer firmware reference document.
confirmedUlRetry Integer The number of retries for each confirmed uplink, when confirmation is not received (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0, called 'confirmed_ul_retry’ in configuration file).
motionSensitivity Integer It is a specific accelerometer configuration. 0 is the default configuration. 1-100 configures the accelerometer in low sensitivity from 1 to 100%. (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'motion_sensitivity’ in configuration file).
shockDetection Integer This parameter provides the configuration of shock detection global vector. It has a range of 0-199, with a step of 20mG (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'shock_detection’ in configuration file).
periodicActivityPeriod Integer Time in seconds to report periodic activity. As the activity is reported on 6 windows, this value has to be a multiple of 6. When 0, the reporting is disabled (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'periodic_activity_period’ in configuration file).
motionDuration Integer Time in seconds for motion duration, minimum time between a start and an end motion event (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'motion_duration’ in configuration file).
bleRssiFilter Integer RSSI value to filter BLE beacons with BLE-GPS geolocation mode (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0, called 'ble_rssi_filter’ in configuration file).
temperatureHigh Float Configure the high threshold temperature.
255 = disabled
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_high’ in configuration file)
temperatureLow Float Configure the low threshold temperature.
255 = disabled
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_low’ in configuration file)
temperatureAction String Configure the action to be done when entering critical state: (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0, called 'temperature_action’ in configuration file):
- 'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
- 'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'NO_ACTION’: No action.
- 'TEMPERATURE_HIGH’: Geolocation disabled if temperature_high is reached.
- 'TEMPERATURE_LOW’: Geolocation disabled if temperature_low is reached.
- 'TEMPERATURE_LOW_TEMPERATURE_HIGH’: Geolocation disabled if temperature_low or temperature_high is reached.
bleBond String BLE Bond status (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0).
- 'UNKNOWN’:Unknown state.
- 'NOT_BONDED’: The tracker in not bonded.
- 'BONDED’:The tracker is bonded.
transmitStratCustom TransmitStratCustom
measuredTemperature ResolvedTrackerAsAssetTracker_measuredTemperature
batteryCapacity Long The battery capacity in mAh (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0). Can be -1 if not set.
reedSwitchConfiguration String The switch reed configuration. (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
- 'UNKNOWN’: Unknown configuration.
- 'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
collectionScanType String Provide the type of the collection to be done.(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
- 'UNKNOWN’:Unknown collection scan type.
- 'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'NO_COLLECTION_SCAN’: No collection scan
- 'BLE_BEACONS’:The collection will be done and BLE beacons will be reported.
- 'WIFI_BSSID’: The collection will be done and WIFI BSSIDs will be reported.
collectionBLEFilterType String BLE filter type used for BLE collection only (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
- 'UNKNOWN’: Unknown collection BLE filter type.
- 'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'NO_FILTER’: MAC addresses reported in the collection uplink.
- 'EDDYSTONE_UID’: Beacons ID reported in the collection uplink
- 'EDDYSTONE_URL’: Eddystone URL only. MAC addresses reported in the collection uplink.
- 'ALL_EDDYSTONE’: MAC addresses reported in the collection uplink
- 'IBEACON_ONLY’: Beacon IDs reported in the collection uplink
- 'ALTBEACON_ONLY’: Beacon IDs reported in the collection uplink
collectionBLEFilterMain1 Long BLE main filter part 1 used for BLE collection only (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
collectionBLEFilterMain2 Long BLE main filter part 2 used for BLE collection only (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
collectionBLEFilterSecValue Long Value used for the BLE secondary filter (BLE collection only) (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
collectionBLEFilterSecMask Long Mask used for the BLE secondary filter (BLE collection only) (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
collectionNbEntry Integer Provide the number of entries in the collection (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0).
networkTimeoutCheck Integer LoRa network monitoring. A timer using this duration is restarted after each last downlink received. Once elapsed, the tracker includes a link check request in all of this uplink. Once the answer is received, the timer restarts. A null value disables this monitoring. Duration expressed in seconds. (Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)
networkTimeoutReset Integer LoRa network monitoring. A timer using this duration is restarted after each last downlink received. Once elapsed, the tracker resets. Duration expressed in seconds.(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)
scanCollection ScanCollection
gnssConstellation String Select the GNSS constellation set to be used for making fixes. Possible values are :
(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)
angleDetection AngleDetection
geofencingNotification GeofencingNotification


Provides data about the measured temperature for the event message “TEMPERATURE_ALERT”(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0).

Attribute Type Description
state String The state of temperature. Possible values are:
- 'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
- 'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
- 'HIGH’
max Float Maximum temperature measured by the device
min Float Minimum temperature measured by the device
highCounter Integer From the time a high temperature event is sent, this counter is incremented every 10 minutes (can be used to calculate the over temperature time).
lowCounter Integer From the time a low temperature event is sent, this counter is incremented every 10 minutes (can be used to calculate the under temperature time).


Resource representing reverse geocoding information retrieved for the current position.

Attribute Type Description
formattedAddress String Formatted address of the reverse geocoding response, if any.
geolocationProvider String Geolocation provider identifier used for this reverse geocoding operation.
status String Status of reverse geocoding operation. Possible values are:
- 'RETRIEVED’: Reverse geocoding information retrieved.
- 'RETRIEVED’: No reverse geocoding information found.
-'NO_PROVIDER’: No geolocation provider available for the current subscriber.
-'ERROR’: Error retrieving reverse geocoding data.


Attribute Type Description
scanType String Type of scan collection.
- 'BLE_BEACONS’:The collection will be done and BLE beacons will be reported.
- 'WIFI_BSSID’: The collection will be done and WIFI BSSIDs will be reported.
again Boolean -false: No next associated uplink. -true: Another associated uplink will follow.
dataFormat String The data format
- 'BEACON_ID’: The Data information field is coded on 4 bytes and contains the beacon identifier.
- 'MAC_ADDRESS’: The Data information field is coded on 7 bytes and contains the MAC address.
fragmentIdentification Integer Fragment identification
collectionIdentifier Integer Collection identification
hash Integer The hash of the associated position message. Hash is the xor sum on the whole position message (including the payload header). All fragments have the same hash.
beaconIdData BeaconIdData array List of beacon identifier.
macAddressData MacAddressData array List of MAC address


Resource representing the scan collection alarm

Attribute Type Description
position ScanCollectionAlarm_position
scanResult ScanCollectionAlarm_scanResult
state ScanCollectionAlarm_state


Attribute Type Description
horizontalAccuracy Integer Horizontal accuracy of the position, in meters.
receptionTime Date time when position is received
coordinates double array the resolved position as per the GeoJSON specification, i.e. [longitude, latitude, altitude].


The result of the scan operation

Attribute Type Description
scanType String Scan type:
- 'BLE_ID’: BLE beacons with information coded on 2 bytes (beacon identifier) and detected RSSI.
- 'BLE_MAC’: BLE beacons with MAC address and detected RSSI.
- 'WIFI_BSSID’: Wifi BSSID scan information with MAC address and detected RSSI. Depending on this value, the items in 'result’ should be either 'BeaconIdInformation’, 'BeaconMACInformation’ or 'WifiBSSIDInformation’.
result ScanInformation array


Attribute Type Description
positionState String state of the position message reception:
- 'GPS_SUCCESS’: GPS position received.
- 'GPS_TIMEOUT’: GPS position time out message received.
- 'WIFI_SUCCESS’: WIFI position resolved and received.
- 'WIFI_TIMEOUT’: WIFI time out message received.
- 'WIFI_FAILURE’: WIFI failure message received.
- 'WIFI_RESOLUTION_FAILURE’: WIFI position resolution problem.
- 'LPGPS_SUCCESS’: LPGPS position resolved and received.
- 'LPGPS_RESOLUTION_FAILTURE’: LPGPS position resolution problem.
- 'BLE_SUCCESS’: BLE Beacon scan success.
- 'BLE_TIMEOUT’: BLE Beacon Scan timeout.
- 'POSITION_LOST’: No position message received.
scanState String state of the scan collection messages reception:
- 'SUCCESS’: The complete scan collection is received.
- 'INCOMPLETE’: One or more scan collection fragments are missing.
- 'SCAN_RECEPTION_TIMEOUT’: Time out in waiting for the complete scan collection.


Resource representing a single beacon or BSS information

Attribute Type Description
scanInformationType String Type of scan information.:
- 'BeaconIdInformation’: BLE Beacon Id
- 'BeaconMACInformation’: BLE Mac address.
- 'WifiBSSIDInformation’: WIFI BSSID.
rssi Integer


Attribute Type Description
model moduleSpec
application moduleSpec


Resource representing a generic command to be sent through a downlink to an Abeeway tracker.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.


Resource representing the tracker command alarm

Attribute Type Description
trackerCommand TrackerCommand
ackToken Integer Acknowledgement token used to send this tracker command
payload String Downlink payload sent in hexadecimal string
timeout Date Timeout set for this tracker command
commandTime Date Time when this tracker command was received
state String Tracker command result state:
- 'RECEIPT_SUCCEEDED’: The tracker has received the tracker command.
- 'RECEIPT_FAILED’: The tracker may not have received the tracker command.
- 'TIMEOUT’: Time out in waiting for downlink acknowledgement.
- 'DELIVERY_ERROR’: error in sending the downlink payload to the underlying operator.


Attribute Type Description
notifyByEmail Boolean Indicates to notify user about tracker command by email. Default is false.
notifyOnInterface Boolean Indicates to notify users about about tracker command on the GUI. Default is false.
asyncResponseUplinkPeriods Integer Number of uplink periods to wait before notification timeout
asyncResponseSlack Integer Delay on top of asyncResponseUplinkPeriods * uplink period duration to wait before timeout


Resource representing a command used to change the operating mode of trackers.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
newMode String New operating mode to apply to the trackers. Possible values are:
- 'OFF’: Everything is turned OFF to achieve the lowest possible power consumption.
- 'STAND_BY’: The tracker is in idle state. It can use periodic reporting if it is activated, and answers to On-Demand position requests.
- 'STANDBY’: deprecated. See 'STAND_BY’
- 'MOTION_TRACKING’: Tracking state only when moving.
- 'MOTION’: deprecated. See 'MOTION_TRACKING’.
- 'PERMANENT_TRACKING’: Always in tracking state.
- 'MOTION_START_END_TRACKING’: Motion start and end events.
- 'ACTIVITY_TRACKING’: The tracker focuses on detecting movements. Every motion detection increases a counter.
- 'ACTIVITY’: deprecated. See 'ACTIVITY_TRACKING’.


Resource representing a command used to change a tracker parameter.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
paramName paramName
paramValue String Value of the parameter to update. Should always be passed as a string, regardless of the parameter unit type.


Resource representing a command used to change parameter(s) of trackers.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
parameters ConfigurationParameter array


Resource representing a command used to change the current tracker configuration profile.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
profileNamespace String Configuration profile namespace to set
profileName String Configuration profile name to set


Resource representing a command used to get the configuration parameter (s) of the trackers.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
paramName paramName


Resource representing a command used to change the current tracker configuration profile.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
abeewayDownlinkPayload Abeeway downlink payload as described in Abeeway IoT Flow driver (abeewayDownlinkPayload.ackToken is not required, it will be replaced by a generated value)
thing thingSpec


Send raw payload to the tracker.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
rawPayload String Raw Payload to be sent to the tracker


Resource representing a command used to send a request to the trackers.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
requestType String Type of the request to be sent to the trackers. Possible values are:
-'POS_ON_DEMAND’: Request tracker position (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'RESET’: Reset tracker (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'START_SOS’: Turn on SOS mode of the tracker.
-'STOP_SOS’: Turn off SOS mode of the tracker.
-'RESET_SOS’: deprecated. See 'STOP_SOS’
-'RESET_BATTERY’: For primary batteries, when replacing it (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'RESET_BLE_PAIRING’: Reset tracker BLE bond (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'GET_DEVICE_CONFIG’: Retrieve the complete configuration of the tracker (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'GET_CONFIG_FLAGS’: Retrieve the configuration flags parameter (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'GET_BLE_FIRMWARE_VERSION’: Get the BLE firmware version (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'GET_MCU_FIRMWARE_VERSION’: Get the MCU firmware version (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0).
-'GET_X_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER’: Get the X axis accelerometer value in mg (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0).
-'GET_Y_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER’: Get the Y axis accelerometer value in mg (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0).
-'GET_Z_AXIS_ACCELEROMETER’: Get the Z axis accelerometer value in mg (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0).
-'REQUEST_TEMPERATURE_STATUS’: Request temperature status. The tracker answers this request with a temperature event message.(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)


Resource representing a command used to set the configuration flags of trackers.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
framePendingMechanism Boolean false: Frame pending mechanism is disabled.
true: Frame pending mechanism is enabled. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
buttonPressToTurnDeviceOff Boolean false: Cannot turn OFF device with a button press.
true: Can turn OFF device with a button press. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
doubleClickIsSosModeOrAlert Boolean false: Double button click triggers an Alert.
true: Double button click starts SOS mode, another double click stops it. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
downlinkSetParameterConfirmation Boolean false: Confirmation uplink mechanism is disabled.
true: Confirmation uplink mechanism is enabled. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
wifiPayloadWithNoCypher Boolean false: Wifi payload is cyphered.
true: Wifi payload is not cyphered. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
bleAdvertisingAtStart Boolean false: BLE advertising is disabled. Factory default value.
true: BLE advertising is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.0)
selectWifiScanOrGeolocStartMessage Boolean false: Enable geoloc start event message when starting a geoloc sequence.
true: Enable Wifi scan when starting a geoloc sequence. Factory default value.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.3)
ledBlinkWithGpsFix Boolean false: No blink when a GPS fix is received. Factory default value.
true: LED Blink when a GPS fix is received.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.7.3)
startMotionEventUplink Boolean false: Start Motion event payload is disabled. Factory default value.
true: Start Motion event payload is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
endMotionEventUplink Boolean false: End Motion event payload is disabled. Factory default value.
true: End Motion event payload is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
otaJoinWhenLeavingModeOff Boolean false: Disable OTA join when leaving mode OFF. Factory default value.
true: Enable OTA join when leaving mode OFF.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
rejectAsymmetricBlePairing Boolean false: Accept asymmetric BLE pairing. Factory default value.
true: Reject asymmetric BLE pairing.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.8.0)
enableLongWifiPayload Boolean false: Long wifi payload is disabled. Factory default value.
-true: Long wifi payload is enabled.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
collectionLongReport Boolean false: The usual payload size is used (36 bytes).
true: The number of entries carried in the uplink is larger and use a payload size of 91 bytes.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)
autoStart Boolean false: Once LoRa join succeeds, the user needs to make another long press to actually start in the configured operating mode.
true: Once LoRa join succeeds, the device automatically starts without requiring a long press.
(Supported from Asset Tracker 2.0)


Resource representing a command used to set the configuration flags of trackers.

Attribute Type Description
deviceEUI String Tracker device EUI affected by the command.
deviceProfileId String Id of the profile associated with the device, used for decoding properly the payload.
trackerCommandType String Type of command for the list of trackers. Depending on the type, other attributes can be set for the command resource.
notificationType TrackerCommandNotificationType
callbackURL String HTTP url of the target server to which the tracker command should be sent as a callback to the downlink.
ADREnabled Boolean ADR activation in static (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
-false: ADR is enabled.Factory default value.
-true: ADR is disabled.
transmissionType String Transmission type (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
-'SINGLE’: single transmission Factory default value.
-'DOUBLE’: double transmission.
firstTransmissionDatarateDistribution String First transmission data rate distribution (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0). Possible values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Not supported value.
-'RANDOM’: Factory default value.
secondTransmissionDatarateDistribution String Second transmission data rate distribution (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0). Possible values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Not supported value.
-'RANDOM’: Factory default value.
firstTransmissionDatarate EnableDatarate
secondTransmissionDatarate EnableDatarate


Attribute Type Description
ADREnabled Boolean ADR activation in static (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
-false: ADR is enabled.Factory default value.
-true: ADR is disabled.
transmissionType String Transmission type (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0)
-'SINGLE’: single transmission Factory default value.
-'DOUBLE’: double transmission.
firstTransmissionDatarateDistribution String First transmission data rate distribution (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0). Possible values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
-'RANDOM’: Factory default value.
secondTransmissionDatarateDistribution String Second transmission data rate distribution (Supported from Asset Tracker 1.9.0). Possible values are:
-'UNKNOWN’: Unknown value.
-'UNSUPPORTED’: Not supported value.
-'RANDOM’: Factory default value.
firstTransmissionDatarate EnableDatarate
secondTransmissionDatarate EnableDatarate


Resource representing a Wifi information with BSSID and RSSI

Attribute Type Description
scanInformationType String Type of scan information.:
- 'BeaconIdInformation’: BLE Beacon Id
- 'BeaconMACInformation’: BLE Mac address.
- 'WifiBSSIDInformation’: WIFI BSSID.
rssi Integer
bssid String